This poignant animation delves into the critical issue of child marriage, revealing its detrimental impact on a girl’s access to education, economic freedom, and long-term potential. Witness the narrative that challenges this practice and advocates for the empowerment of girls’ futures. Let’s
This video shows highlights from the two-day international conference on combating trafficking in persons of women and girls in Pakistan, held in Islamabad on February 27-28, 2024. Organized by the Strengthening Systems and Services for the Development of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
This video sheds light on the stark reality of child labor, illustrating how premature employment robs children not only of their right to education but also the joys of their formative years. Join us in a collective commitment to protect the innocence
This enlightening video delves into the fundamental human rights outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It provides a comprehensive overview of the basic rights and freedoms that every individual is entitled to. From the right to life and liberty to
The video begins by highlighting the establishment of the United Nations after World War II with the aim of preventing future atrocities and promoting human rights globally. It then mentions the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10,
“Human Rights” is an enlightening video series featuring Iqbal Ahmed Detho, the esteemed chairperson of the Sindh Human Rights Commission (SHRC). In this series, Mr. Detho diligently elucidates the fundamental principles of human rights. With his expertise and experience, he delves into
“The Legend of Arya” is part of powerful and creative web series on Child Domestic Labour developed by Group Development Pakistan in collaboration with Ministry of Law & Justice Pakistan, National Commission for Human Rights Pakistan and the Parliamentary Caucus on Child
This video provides a comprehensive explanation of human rights as outlined in the European Convention on Human Rights. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the fundamental principles and protections enshrined in this important international treaty. Through a clear and accessible
“Human Rights Explained In a Two Minute Animation” is a concise and engaging video that explores the significance of human rights in society. Through an animated format, the video effectively communicates the importance of upholding human rights principles and the positive impact
Watch the importance of Fundamental and Human Rights protected in Pakistan’s Constitution, and what are different types of rights that affect and impact the society and individuals. An informative broadcast on understanding human rights and principle of rule of law. Acknowledgement: Produced