Embracing Hope On World Population Day

July 11th marks World Population Day, a time to highlight global population issues. In Pakistan, the day is observed with the usual conferences, seminars, and events. However, with our persistently high population growth rate straining resources, impeding development, and hampering our ability

Afghan Refugees

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s recent appeal to the international community regarding Afghan refugees underscores a critical issue that demands global attention and collective action. He has rightly emphasised that Pakistan can no longer bear the burden of hosting millions of Afghan refugees

Minority rights

PERHAPS 2024 was always meant to be the year voters were going to knock some sense into those who grew complacent in their power, especially in South Asia. Indeed, we Pakistanis were not the only ones who misjudged an election; our neighbours

Children in prisons

ON a cold morning in 1937, a remand home was inaugurated in Karachi under the Bombay Children Act, 1924. This remand home was later shifted to near Central Jail in Karachi, and is now functioning in accordance with the Sindh Children Act,

Pivotal Guilty Verdict

Spousal violence against women in Pakistan is a critical issue, leading to severe mental, physical, emotional, and economic health problems. The WHO estimates that one in three women globally has experienced physical or sexual intimate partner violence (IPV). In Pakistan, the Pakistan

Trapped by Taboos in Pakistan

April is recognised as the Sexual Assault Awareness Month globally. In Pakistan, though, sexual awareness remains a controversial topic and it is often falsely equated with promoting immorality and indecency. In reality, it is to the contrary and sexual awareness plays a

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