International Treaties Compliance

UN Periodic Reports

Pakistan is a member state of the United Nations (UN) and is obligated to report its progress on the implementation of UN core conventions. The reporting process involves submitting periodic reports to the respective treaty bodies, which are expert committees established by the UN to monitor the implementation of specific human rights treaties.

The treaty bodies review the reports and provide comments and recommendations to the government of Pakistan on how to improve compliance with the conventions. The treaty bodies may also request additional information from the government of Pakistan or hold a direct dialogue with the government to discuss specific issues related to the implementation of the conventions.

Under the UN reporting system, reporting periodicities are different for the treaties. Generally, the initial report after ratification is submitted within one or two years. Periodic reports need to be submitted after two years (ICERD), four years (ICCPR, CEDAW, CAT) or five years (ICESCR, CRC, ICRMW).

UN Core Treaties

There are 7 core international human rights conventions ratified by Pakistan whose Periodic Reports have to be filed to UN reporting system.

International Convention the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)

Since ICERD was signed by Pakistan in 1966, Pakistan has submitted Periodic Reports of ICERD for 26 cycles up till now.

To read State Party Report of latest Periodic Report Review Cycle XXIV-XXVI, click here

Concluded observations have not been yet submitted for that report.

To read State Party Report of Periodic Report Review Cycle XXI-XXIII, click here

To read concluding observations of Periodic Report Review Cycle XXI-XXIII, click here

Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

Pakistan has submitted Periodic reports of CRC for 5 cycles since it signed it in 1990. Periodic report for the cycle VI-VII was due on 11 June 2021 and still has not been submitted.

To read State Party Report of latest Periodic Report Review Cycle V, click here

To read concluding observations of Periodic Report Review Cycle V, click here

Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

CEDAW was ratified by Pakistan in 1996 and till now, Pakistan has submitted Periodic Reports of CEDAW for 5 reporting cycles.

To read State Party Report of latest Periodic Report Review Cycle V, click here

To read concluding observations of Periodic Report Review Cycle V, click here

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

Pakistan ratified ICESCR on April 2008 and it has submitted Periodic Reports of ICESCR for 2 reporting cycles.

To read State Party Report of latest Periodic Report Review Cycle II, click here

Concluded observations have not been yet submitted for that report.

To read State Party Report of Periodic Report Review Cycle I, click here

To read concluding observations of Periodic Report Review I, click here

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

ICCPR was ratified by Pakistan in June 2010 and Pakistan has submitted Periodic Reports of ICCPR for 2 reporting cycles.

To read State Party Report of latest Periodic Report Review Cycle II, click here

Concluded observations have not been yet submitted for that report.

To read State Party Report of Periodic Report Review Cycle I, click here

To read concluding observations of Periodic Report Review I, click here

Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT)

Pakistan has submitted Periodic Reports of CAT for 2 reporting cycles since its ratification in June 2010.

To read State Party Report of latest Periodic Report Review Cycle II, click here

Concluded observations have not been yet submitted for that report.

To read State Party Report of Periodic Report Review Cycle I, click here

To read concluding observations of Periodic Report Review I, click here

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Pakistan has only submitted one Periodic Report of CPRD since its ratification on July 2011.

To read State Party Report of latest Periodic Report Review Cycle I, click here

Concluded observations have not been yet submitted for that report.

UN Optional Protocols

Pakistan has ratified the two Optional Protocols to the Convention.

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict (CRC-OP-AC)

Pakistan has not submitted Periodic Report of CPC-OP-AC since its ratification on November 2016.

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children child prostitution and child pornography (CRC-OP-SC)

Pakistan has only submitted one Periodic Report of CPC-OP-SC since its ratification on July 2011.

To read State Party Report of latest Periodic Report Review Cycle I, click here

Concluded observations have not been yet submitted for that report.

Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Another process of monitoring used by the UN is the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The process involves a review of the human rights records of all UN Member States. The UPR is a State-driven process, under the auspices of the Human Rights Council, which provides the opportunity for each State to declare what actions they have taken to improve the human rights situations in their countries and to fulfil their human rights obligations. Till date, Pakistan has participated in 4 cycles of the UPR. The 1st cycle took place in May 2008, the 2nd cycle took place in October 2012, the 3rd cycle took place in November 2017 and the 4th UPR cycle took place in January 2023.

To read the National Report of 4th UPR Cycle, click here

To read the National Report of 3rd UPR Cycle, click here

To read the National Report of 2nd UPR Cycle, click here

To read the National Report of 1st UPR Cycle, click here

ILO Conventions Reporting

As a member state of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Pakistan is obligated to report its progress on the implementation of ILO conventions and recommendations. Pakistan is required to submit periodic reports to the ILO on its progress in implementing ratified conventions and recommendations, as well as on measures taken to bring national legislation and practice in line with these instruments.

The reporting process involves a tripartite consultation among the government, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and the ILO. The government of Pakistan prepares the report, which is then reviewed by the employers’ and workers’ organizations before submission to the ILO.

The ILO’s Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) reviews the country reports and provides comments and recommendations to the government of Pakistan on how to improve compliance with ILO standards. The CEACR may also request additional information from the government of Pakistan or hold a direct dialogue with the government to discuss the implementation of specific conventions or recommendations.