This report analyses supply chain processes in brick kiln sector of Pakistan including Sindh in order to identify deficits related to fundamental principles and rights at work (FPRW), with a focus on child labour and bonded labour. It was commissioned by the
“Policy Brief on the Legal Framework for Child Domestic Labour in Pakistan” is a publication issued by National Commission on the Rights of Child (NCRC) discussing the situation, international human rights legal framework, national and provincial laws and case laws. The Policy
Mr Syed Farrukh Humayun Zaidi, Joint Director, Labour and Human Resources Department, Government of Sindh-Pakistan, shares the changes they have made to enhance respect for Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the Cotton Supply Chain in Pakistan.
“Child Labour in Domestic Work in Pakistan/: A scoping study” is a qualitative study on child labour in the Pakistani domestic work sector by International Labour Organiation (ILO) as part of the Asia Regional Child Labour (ARC) Project. The study examined the
“Pakistan’s Obligations under ILO Conventions 100 and 111” is a publication by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) which discusses Pakistan’s commitments and compliance status under two key International Labour Organization conventions – Equal Remuneration Convention (C100) and Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)
“Reconceptualising Labour and Labour Rights” is a publication by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) which provides an analysis and examination of Constitutional and various labour and labour rights in Pakistan. It also provides recommendations to improve the existing legal framework
“Rapid assessment of child labour in automobile repair workshops in Pakistan” is published by the International Labour Organization (ILO). It provides an overview of the automobile sector in Pakistan, explores the entry points for child labor in the sector, and examines the
The video explains ILO Convention No. 182 which requires countries to take immediate, effective and time-bound measures to eliminate the worst forms of child labour as a matter of urgency.
This video explains the ILO Convention No.138 which defines the minimum age to work for the effective abolition of child labour by requiring countries to: 1) establish a minimum age for entry into work or employment; and 2) establish national policies for
“Revisiting the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1992” is published by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP). It aims to reassess the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act of 1992, which was enacted in Pakistan to address the issue of bonded labor, a