Sindh EVAW Gap Analysis

“Gap Analysis of Legislation Related to Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW) in Sindh” is a publication developed through a partnership between the Sindh Commission on the Status of Women and UN Women Pakistan. It provides an in-depth analysis of the existing legal

Marriage rights

MARRIAGE is a sacred partnership that brings individuals together. However, what is mostly overlooked in our society and culture is the fact that it is also a legal contract that governs the rights and responsibilities of both partners. In Pakistan, the nikahnama is a

Modern Slavery: Trafficking in women and girls in Pakistan

“Modern Slavery: Trafficking in women and girls in Pakistan” is a publication by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) which explores the issue of trafficking in persons, specifically focusing on women and girls, within the context of modern slavery in Pakistan.

Sexual Violence Response Framework 2020-2024

“Sexual Violence Response Framework 2020-2024” has been developed by Law Department and Women Development Department of the Government of Sindh with the technical support of Legal Aid Society (LAS). The objective of SVRF is improve responses of the Criminal Justice System (CJS)

Consultation on Honour Killing

This is a consultation report on honour killing organized by Sindh Human Rights Commission (SHRC). The aim of this report is to discuss the issue from its various aspects and find solutions to tackle honour killing by a panel comprising federal and provincial

Forced Conversions in Ghotki

Forced Conversions in Ghotki is a Field investigation Report conducted by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP). The purpose of the report was to assess complaints concerning the reportedly forced conversion of Hindu girls, with reference to the case of Reena and Raveena of

Women Right to Inheritance

Depriving a woman of her right to inheritance is a punishable offence by the legal system of Pakistan. This is an explanatory video by SOC Films and Legal Aid Society which explains the punishment of depriving women of her right to inheritance

Domestic Violence Policy Belief

“Domestic Violence Policy Belief” is a publication by National Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan (NCHR) which provides situational analysis on domestic violence in Pakistan and the legislations related to the domestic violence in the country. It also provides information of Pakistan’s international