Marital rape

A RECENT judgement passed by an additional district and sessions judge in Karachiisbeing celebrated asrecognition of marital rape as a criminal offence under Pakistani law. The court found the accused husband guilty of Section 377 (unnatural offences) of the Pakistan Penal Code

`Honour killing` of a different type

THIS is with reference to the editorial `Iddat ruling` (Feb 6), which was highly commendable because it expressed the feelings of the entire nation. The court hearing and the verdict clearly crossed the lines that are not supposed tobe crossed. The verdict

Anti-rape ordinance

THE much-anticipated Anti-Rape Ordinance 2020 introduced chemical castration as punishment for rapists. In doing so, however, it missed the very critical point that rape is not merely a physical act, and that it is triggered by many serious social and psychological conditions.

Save the children

Climate crises negatively impact everyone indiscriminately. Disasters caused by climate change affect women, the elderly and children across the globe. The threats of climate change to the lives of children are numerous and dangerous. Climate-led disasters become fatal for children. According to

The Case of Missing Children

In the recently-published annual report of Roshni Helpline 1138, a non-profit from Karachi, a total of 2,633 cases of missing children were reported in the country from January to December 2023. Of those, 1,942 were successfully recovered and reunited with their parents.