Trapped by Taboos in Pakistan

April is recognised as the Sexual Assault Awareness Month globally. In Pakistan, though, sexual awareness remains a controversial topic and it is often falsely equated with promoting immorality and indecency. In reality, it is to the contrary and sexual awareness plays a

Nadra asked to issue CNICs to transpersons without discrimination

Expressing grave concern over ceasing the issuance of computerized national identity cards (CNICs) to transgender persons by the National Database Registration Authority, the Sindh Human Rights Commission has asked the authority to facilitate members of the already marginalized community in its centers

You Have the Right…

This enlightening video delves into the fundamental human rights outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It provides a comprehensive overview of the basic rights and freedoms that every individual is entitled to. From the right to life and liberty to

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The video begins by highlighting the establishment of the United Nations after World War II with the aim of preventing future atrocities and promoting human rights globally. It then mentions the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10,