Algorithmic Decision-Making in Pakistan: A Challenge to Right to Equality & Non-Discrimination

Amidst the global recognition of AI’s potential, concerns about its associated risks have resonated worldwide. However, in Pakistan, the focus remains primarily on the opportunities AI presents, with limited attention given to potential risks, specifically those pertaining to human rights. This report aims to initiate a dialogue in Pakistan concerning the risks posed by AI, particularly the issue of algorithmic unfairness in automated decision-making, which can impact constitutional freedoms of equality and non-discrimination. To shed light on this complex subject, the report draws on the expertise of AI researchers, AI system developers, de-biasing AI system experts, human rights advocates, and legal scholars specializing in AI. By exploring the technical workings of AI algorithms, the report highlights how pre-existing societal inequalities can become embedded within these algorithms and subsequently reinforced through AI-driven decision-making processes. The report also identifies the need to bridge the gap between the legal and IT industries to foster a more sustainable future for AI through strategic policy and legal interventions.

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