Government will appoint a good lawyer in Fatima Furiro case

SUKKUR: Dr. Saad Khalid Niaz, the Caretaker Sindh Minister for Health, asserted on Nov 30, 2023 that the government was poised to engage a proficient lawyer to ensure justice prevailed in the Fatima Furiro murder case. Speaking to the media during impromptu

Child marriages

Unfortunately child marriages are still prevalent in Pakistan so be the Change! Speak up, speak out against child marriages! کم عمری کی شادی، مستقبل کی بربادی بدلو اپنی سوچ کو ،سب کے لیے آواز دو بستی بستی ، نگری نگری ایک ہو

Caught Between Borders: Identity Crises

AS part of a global research project on forced migration, I was able to listen closely to the stories of children who had perhaps one, perhaps two parents of Afghan origin, and whose only memories were of life in Pakistan. The most

Policy Brief on Forced Conversion

“Policy Brief on Forced Conversion” is a publication by National Commission on the Rights of Child, Pakistan (NCRC) which is the policy brief created after the case of Arzoo Raja. The Policy Brief touched upon the gaps in existing laws prohibiting ‘forced

Report on Child Labour and Bonded Labour

This report analyses supply chain processes in brick kiln sector of Pakistan including Sindh in order to identify deficits related to fundamental principles and rights at work (FPRW), with a focus on child labour and bonded labour. It was commissioned by the

Policy Brief on the Legal Framework for Child Marriage in Pakistan

“Policy Brief on the Legal Framework for Child Marriage in Pakistan” is a publication issued by the National Commission on the Rights of Child (NCRC), which discusses Pakistan international human rights legal framework, national and provincial legal framework and case-laws. The Policy

State as the Absent Parent: Child Marriage in Sindh

In this video, Experts’ Panel Discussion highlights key issues pertaining to Child Early and Forced Marriages(‘CEFM’), as an introduction to and in light of the research paper titled: “State as the Absent Parent: Child Marriage in Sindh, Pakistan”, which has been prepared

Child Labour in Domestic Work in Pakistan

“Child Labour in Domestic Work in Pakistan/: A scoping study” is a qualitative study on child labour in the Pakistani domestic work sector by International Labour Organiation (ILO) as part of the Asia Regional Child Labour (ARC) Project. The study examined the

State as the Absent Parent: Child Marriage in Sindh

“State as the Absent Parent: Child Marriage in Sindh” is a research publication by Legal Aid Society (LAS) which aims to analyze gaps and lacunas that prevent implementation of the Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Act of 2013 and the related rules of

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